

Thank You!

The Society, and all-volunteer non profit, was founded in 1998 and came into existence housed in one of Grove City’s historic buildings, The Uber Hotel, a building well over a hundred years old.  Maintaining the facility and continuing the development of exciting and educational programs translates to significant expenditures.  For example, in 2019 the Board authorized expenditures of over $25,000 to install a dehumidifying system in the basement storage area and repointing one exterior wall.  Coming in 2020 will be the repointing of another wall and a new roof.  Preserving the building translates to preserving the contents, part of the history of the area, and facility maintenance is only one piece of a very large pie.  Thank you, in advance, for supporting our efforts!


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$25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500, $2000, $5000